Saturday, October 22, 2011

this is my Immortal review. I should watch this again.


I liked Lostboy's Immortal review. Sort of on his advice, I watched it again. It's really fun to watch, and I want to go back and look at the stories in HM that it's loosely based on. The first time I watched it, I found myself wanting to see the hockey scene from Immortals' Fete, because I thought it would be cool. There were other things I would have liked to see, but watching it the second time let me see Enki Bilal's "vision" (or at least my take on his perspective) for the setting and story in the not so distant future.

What I really enjoyed was the combination of live action and CGI. There were times when it looked more like a video game than a movie, but I really thought it was done well. The feature about making the scenes with actors in motion capture outfits helped me appreciate the work that this takes, and how far this has come. There are parts where I'm not sure what is real and what isn't. Perhaps someday you won't be able to tell at all. (note-this technique has come a long way aready)

The cityscapes and the cars were nice to look at too. My favorite was John's car, when they broke out of Jill's hotel room, because my mom had one when I was a kid (it was a green 1955 four door)! The first time I saw it was a rush. Then I saw one on the street last night! (cue Twilight Zone music) Not many of them out there.

I'd really like to know what the gods were saying, especially at the end. I like to know what Jill said at the end as well, but at least it's a language I can get translated. I didn't know the literature that Nikopol was quoting, but I let the words add to the setting, like I did when reading the story.

So I liked the movie and would recommend it to people who like that sort of thing, like people who read HM and who look at forums like this.

thanks for the forum Lostboy.


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