Links  Lostboy's Fan Page is Still the Best, most comprehensive resource for Heavy Metal Magazine for its first 34 years.  And it's being updated recently.  I can thank Lostboy for helping me get back into HM, way back around 2005.

The Heavy Metal web site and the are back online and it appears that Heavy Metal Magazine will return.  We'll see.
Philippe Druillet seems to be still around and pretty active.  His website is pretty cool, though it's in French, and there's another one that appeared.  He's on Igram too.
John Findley's Tex Arcana was one of my favorite HM stories.  Mr Findley put all three stories that appeared in Heavy Metal on  There are some edits, but it's still great.  And he was working a fourth book, but there have been no updates since 2015, and I have not had a response to my inquiries since 2018.  Fortunately, he published a book of the first three, and it's still for sale.

Rod Kierkegaard Jr. did Rock Opera in the 80s, which not everyone liked but I did.  He was still writing up to 2018 at least, and some stuff is still for sale.  I liked his Obama Jones and the Logic Bomb, it was futuristic and very enjoyable, you should read it.  And his other stuff too.  His blog hasn't been updated for a number of years:, but there's a page with "Lost Rock Opera Pages".

Ferran Xalabarder has been in HM a number of times, and he actually contacted me once.  He has a bunch of his work available, including the ONIRIA:  GENESIS book he contacted me about:

I like Por Por Books Blog and I visit it often enough that I decided to put the link here.  A range of SF and other reviews, with a bit of HM here and there, presented with a bit of perspective from the times they came out, and often scanned images of covers and pages.  The author's viewpoint has enough similarities to mine, viewing things as they appeared at the time, with a bit of dry wit, for me to find it appealing.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.  Having started with his late father's collection, a now-comic-artist put up a scan a day of HM pages with commentary, with a critical but appreciative eye, completing the run in late 2023.

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