Saturday, October 22, 2011

Re: 2010 - Present issue' ratings 1-9

well, i guess i can stop waiting for Intone Flux's review ( broken link ). too bad, i like his opinions but i'll respect his decisions.

so here's mine, November 2010:

Cover - 7

Tarot Cards - 5

Gallery - 6

Dossier - 6 (i learned a bit about Superman, but i'm not too interested in statues.)

1969 - 4 (it was done ok, but why is it here?)

Biocosmosis- Savas - 7 (i liked it more than the previous one in March 2009, guess i got it more, and i liked the action)

Those Who Accept - 7.5 (i really like Llarena's writing, the art is good, but the writing makes me wish for more from it.)

The Goddess Who Lives Inside - 7 (i like this "series" for its imagination, this one's a bit uneven but it still has some good stuff.)

The Lovers of the Eiffel Tower -4 (ok, but why is it here? oh, i think i get it)

The Last Kiss - 6 (there we go, a bit more of the fantasy stuff with the sex here. wish the art was more polished.)

Artist Studio - 7 (i liked the robotty ones)

effin' free porn card - 0 (is this done by HM or is it the distribution?)

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