Thursday, August 29, 2019


Attila Kiss, known to me first as Intone Flux from the old HM website forums, has taken to creating his own work, I've noted his Blues Ratz #1, #2, and #3 previously, and other things, and he (not so) recently alerted me to a new project.

"Twisted Holiday Horror Tales" #1 is taking form and he is posting regular updates here.  It looks promising and I will look forward to seeing its release in time for the hollydays.

As always I wish him the best in his projects and his life, and express my admiration for his determination, and my apologies for my lack of timely response.


1 comment:

Attila K. said...

Thanks for the plug, Fred.
The progress can be seen via the link you provided.
I'll be posting plenty of sample pages (one per week).
The book is done and submitted to both major digital/print-on-demand platforms: Comixology and Indyplanet. Hopefully ya'll be hooked by the time it is released.