Friday, August 31, 2018

Blues Ratz #3

Blues Ratz #3 written by Attila Kiss and with art by Greg Woronchak, and the cover coloring credited to Matheus Bronca, is the ending installment of the story of the Gekimo brothers, and their struggles with the Blues.  I previously reviewed the preceding stories, Blues Ratz #1 and Blues Ratz #2.

#2 ended with the brothers and their cousin pledging war against the mob.  #3 starts with Bob the elder waking from the dream of his life, alone aboard a landed plane, which he promptly falls out of.  His brothers and cousin meanwhile, proceed with their plans, first in a flashback with their partners in the botched drug deal, where the cousin uses his Canadian-ness to win a bet.  Then the other brothers execute the other parts of the plan, taking on mob bosses in London and Italy, almost single-handedly I might add.  Then follows Bob's wedding to the madam, and they could all live happily ever after, but instead they get back to their band, rocketing to the charts and playing Wembley, with help from their cousin, who brings in relatives from the old country to bring scandal and publicity.  Finally the cousin is shipped back to Canada, less than willingly, for a humorous conclusion.

Like #s 1 and 2, Blues Ratz #3 is quite fanciful, taking leaps in logic and storytelling, flying through without stopping to catch your breath, dropping clever bits here and there.  The art continues to hold up its end of the bargain, even picking up the pace with action and some rather gruesome scenes during the mob battles.  If I had to choose, I might say I enjoyed #2 the most, as far as its cohesiveness seemed a bit stronger, but they are all comparable and work well to tell their tales in a similar manner, making up a story with plenty to offer and lots of fun in the telling.

Again, while I would not have sought this out on my own, thanks to Attila Kiss for bringing these to me and for the opportunity to look at something new and click out some words about it.  Best of luck to Attila Kiss and Greg Woronchak on success with this and their future endeavours.  Soon I'll review The Heart by Mr Kiss and others, something that was a bit closer to my HM interests, and at least as fun as reading about The Blues Ratz.  Be sure to look these up and by all means spend a few bucks on them to support independent comics.

Here's Attila Kiss's store:

And here's Scattered Comics':

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