Wednesday, November 28, 2012

and ... ?

So, if I'm counting right, #259 was the fourth issue of HM in 2012.  Ever since the specials were stopped, there were still supposed to be six issues a year, so supposedly we should see two more yet this year.

The internet doesn't tell me anything about #260 being in the works, so I'm pretty skeptical we'll see it in 2012, let alone #261 to get in all six.  Good thing I don't have a subscription, else I'd feel pretty ripped off by now, instead of just annoyed and disappointed.


I stand corrected:

That might count for 2012, but ...

and #261?  It's encouraging, but I'll believe it when I see it.

(edit again)

this is the letter to fans by Mr. Eastman, that was the editorial in issue #259 (with a few small edits):

I'll try to remain patient.


IF said...

It was said by the HM staff that this year there will be only 5 issues, and the existing subscriptions will be adjusted accordingly... But, I wont bet on it. According to Dave Elliott he is going to be the editor of the new #260 issue, again. "Because one Monster Massacre is not enough" - his words not mine. However no word of the release date.
and yet HM just got pimped-out as a whole magazine, again.
My local Comic shop only ordered 2 issues of #259 (for those who pre-ordered them) nothing for the shelf, so I'm wondering if You'll be kind enough Fred, to tell us here what did Kevin had to say in his Editorials?

Anonymous said...

I think HM will again be 4 issues per year because they changed the distributor and the site of HM baicharam prices for their journals are almost in the month of December and have not yet released the issue # 260 will be what's happening???

Anonymous said...

do not know what it is happening but it seems obvious that the magazine will come back for 4 issues / year that neither it in 1986. I most liked the edition # 259'm anxious to see the new editions!