Saturday, November 26, 2011

November 2011

Cover - 7 (the style and subject don't thrill me, but Bisely's execution does)

Gallery - 6 (I appreciate the energy and presentation, I know I'm missing out not chasing the QRs, but I'm not as impressed by Mr. Bite's work as he is.)

Dossier - 6 (Nice use of views of old and new work.  I've only looked at darkbrain a couple times, maybe I'll look again.)

Malevolence - 3 (I was sort of following where it was going, until it got there.  Actual willful torture offends me.)

I, Dragon:  the End of Genesis - 7 (Though I sometimes wished the art was less sketchy, Gimenez is still really good.  The story was wordy, but I liked it.)

The Only God - 7 (nice shift in a story I've seen before, to a better (?) ending.)

Darwin's Defeat - 8 (The best story in the issue by far, well told with better art execution than I usually see Llarena get.)

Metal Media - 6 (I can see that Buscema's ability deserves praise, but this article is light.)

Artist Studio - 7 (I admire the artist's ability in several media, and I do like looking for detail in line drawing...)

back cover - 7

not a bad issue, some good stuff and there have been worse.


IF said...

Hello Fred.
Nice to read your review. Since I bought NOV 2011 here is my rating.

4 - Cover

4 - Gallery

6 - Malevolence

7 - I, Dragon

5 - The Only God

8 - Darwin's Defeat

2 - Metal Media (the article) / (Buscema =10)

3 - Artist Studio

7 - Back Cover

fred said...

Hi IF, thanks for your contribution. The more the merrier. Feel free to take up more space next time.