Friday, September 22, 2023


Just a handful of HM-related Bits I've come across in my wandering the desolate wasteland that was once my Heavy Metal Magazine fanboyhood.  It's a cryin' shame what they did to my favorite mag (Medney and Erwin?  Yeah, fuck those guys).  

The only news things I found were a report of old inventory being destroyed, rumor mongering about someone maybe buying HM, and the HM-branded weed seems to still be a thing.  Sigh.

Oddly, traffic on my miserable blog is high, but it's mostly some robot that says it's from Singapore hitting it about a hundred times a day or more, randomly.  Not a fan.

Ferran Xalabarder is still around.  I found him selling art as of this year via his Fbook:

R.G. LLarena hasn't been a part of Heavy Metal for a couple years, but it appears he's still working.  He would actually comment on my blog a bit way back when.

I did also notice that besides being on Twtr, Philippe Druillet is on Iggrm and also has a website, which is in French but still really cool.  I figure to add to them the Links page on my little blog, along with a few others that are out there.

Anyway, here's hoping that, like me, anyone reading this has more to their lives than mourning the death of Heavy Metal Magazine, and perhaps some may enjoy my little stumbles across the wastes of the HeavyMetalpocalypse, searching for more traces of the mag's past existence.  Every now and then I'll come across another Bit, and I'll post about some of them.


Skin2279 said...

One of Ferran Xalabarder’s characters in his Heavy Metal stories appealed to me, so I did a Fanart rendition of it. As far as I know, he described it as ... “interesting”.

tarbandu said...

Hundreds of thousands of back issues of HM being pulped to save on warehouse storage costs ? Oh, no.......that hurts.....Bleeding Cool usually is reliable, so I have to believe it is true. Reminds me of how James Warren's NYC warehouse full of original art from Creepy, Eerie, Vampirella, etc. was looted / trashed in 1983 when Warren went bankrupt.....a treasure trove of artwork vanishing in the span of a few weeks. Or when, in 1996, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of beautifully crafted D & D miniatures and dioramas were trashed because TSR was no longer paying rent on the 'U-Store-It' shed in Lake Geneva, WI where they were stored.........

fred said...

Skin2279, pretty cool you do fanart and can put the link in your comment, but I'm not on deviantart either so I can't see it. But thanks, surely others can.

Tarbandu, yep, trashing mags is another crappy thing, one of many recently that happened to my favorite magazine. It may increase market value of my collection, but that won't do me any good since I'll keep them as long as I'm alive and aware of them (not forever at my age).
