Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Rod Kierkegaard Jr

I owe Rod Kierkegaard Jr an apology.  I have for a while now.  Sorry sir.
Mr Kierkegaard is known to HM fans like myself as the creator of Rock Opera, a series that ran in HM from January 1980 through the last monthly issue of December 1985.  What started as a half-page fantasy of a space traveler marooned on a foreign planet, grew into a multi-page juggernaut of invective and satire, targeting popular culture and societal perceptions, often funny, sometimes biting, sometimes poignant.  The art grew and developed too, from rather detailed black and white, to extravagantly montaged spreads of copied images and original parodies, if there is such a thing.  Not always precise, it was usually intriguing or amusing.
Though Rock Opera was often the target of scorn in the Chain Mail letters section, I found it greatly enjoyable.  It was one of the features that kept me buying the mag as it devolved in the 80s after the first movie came out.
A number of years ago, when his blog appeared, and I then learned about it, I volunteered to be a beta reader of his writings.  I was rather excited to be in contact with an actual HM creator, and be provided early versions of his works.  I very much enjoyed reading it.  Sometimes I even had the temerity to offer some feedback.
At the time, his blog ran a story he was working on, Death Dance.  I really liked that one.  About a trained killer trying to avoid being killed in a Middle Ages setting, it was sometimes fanciful enough to approach  absurd, with some action and sex, and often vividly descriptive text.  Much of his work has these characteristics, I really liked how this one put it together.  It ran a long time, then disappeared.  It could have gone on, I think he said he needed to do more research, but that was it.  There was also a serial written as an autobiography, of his life as a vampire and of his growing up.  I only believed bits and pieces of it, but it was fun to read.  It's long gone too.  Something else great about his blog that is still there, is some Rock Opera - and before - era art, with commentary.
When more of his stuff started appearing on Amazon, I promised to put up some reviews.  I failed to do so, and for that I apologize.
For some measure of atonement, I bought all the paperback versions of his work I could then.  I'm pretty happy I did, I like having them in paper, and now some are not available, and others are pricey.  Obama Jones and the Logic bomb remains one of my favorites, it's a near-future thriller and love story.  He's shown a fondness expressing how pleased he is for having made accurate technological or societal predictions in it.  The Department of Magic is pretty good, so is The God Particle.  All these are fanciful and/or futuristic to some extent, and I enjoy the vibrantly descriptive style that exists in much of his work.
Fortunately for him, he seems to be doing just fine without me.  He has many more books out, some in collaboration with a JR Rain, some just on Kindle, and he seems to be enjoying some measure of success.  I hope it's working out well.
His blogspot hasn't been updated in a couple years.  He's been a bit more active on twitter, .  Both are now on the links page on my blog here, so go look.
So once again, sorry Mr Kiekegaard for not following through on the reviews, but thanks for creating more cool stuff for mortals like me.  And for the rest of you mortals out there, go to amazon and look up Rod Kierkegaard, and buy some of his stuff.  He'll be glad you did.

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