There are a few free pdf downloads on the "official" HM web site. A Bisely Bible excerpt, some 4 Horsemen, an Azurek that's mostly a reprint, a TMNT thing, a Descur reprint, and a small Claudia story. The Claudia is the most interesting of the bunch. They're all pretty nice in their own way, for free even, but they hardly fill the widening gap between magazine issues.
Nothing on the next magazine issue, but for a note on the f-book about July being out in late August, and how it will be number 259, and issues will be numbered from now on, and something about a change in distribution as the cause of the delay...
Odd that War of the Worlds - Goliath has been off of the HM web site for a while now, but that Gates remains though the story stopped months ago.
The madness behind the methods of the HM multiverse remain a mystery to me.
Fhew, I thought I missed this new #259 issue, as I haven't seen it in the local Comic store, but by the looks of it I'm not the only one. According to the few samples that have been up on the internet from this "new" issue it should be really good.
Makes me wonder if those who subscribe to the Mag, received their copies?
In cases like this I miss the Forum most, but it also seems to me for the instances exactly like this (uncertainty) was the main reason the Mag. cut us fans off.
Fred you are absolutely right, you can find so many new infos on the HM website but once it comes to the Magazine itself info's are far in between.
It bothers me that they can't even put up the sample pages, even though their email promised the #259 on shelves in couple of weeks - a Month ago.
Strange thing that no one on the FB page complains or even asks them about the new issue.
Another strange thing is that by browsing through the internet I found an article where Kevin confess that his, and Bisley's new book Lost Angels are going to be published through IDW Comics(as opposed to HM Mag.) although, by reading the synopsis it feels like HM material to me.
Well, no update to the web page yet, though the eff-book notes issue 259 is up for pre-order, available late September, and refers to the website sales page. Even a free sample there. While there were some nice things to see in it, I was annoyed by references to multiple covers again, and to see it referred to as "Monster Massacre Special". I thought the "specials" were done? At least there do appear to be monsters.
Yeah, I saw the sample pages. At least there is something.
One thing I was really looking forward was that Alex Horley tale, which now we can see from the sample pages that it is rather a One-Page Pin-Up and not a full story, nor even a short story.
The rest still looks OK.
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