Friday, March 7, 2025

Nice ...

A Nice screenshot of a recent day's traffic on fred's old blog here.

That's pretty high for a day's traffic around these parts.  There's been a little increase lately, more interest growing from the magazine relaunching I suppose.  And it's nice that it's not just the Singapore and Hong Kong bots, they've been around but less assertive, it's mostly north America and some Europe.  Presumably some of them were real persons.
And there is news and progress.  I got order confirmation and even a survey (I actually completed it).  The new magazine #1 (or "Legacy #321", sheesh, as if the issue numbering isn't messed up enough already.) is to be shipped in April and is to be available at comic shops too.  
Lostboy has a couple news links on the excellent site.  The Discord is still pretty active, more chatter and more people sharing their art.  Supposedly Heavy Metal is showing up as available from comic distributors to shops.
So far so good.  I'm hoping they get the new first issue shipped and more coming.  I never thought it would happen, and I'll be happy to be wrong here, when it does. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Waiting ...

When the Heavy Metal Magazine re-launch Kickstarter made its initial goal by over 100X when it completed the end of December, the first issue of the new mag was said to be sent out end of April.  Supposedly over 200 pages.  My card got charged so I sure hope it actually happens and I get my actual paper magazine.

But it's been pretty quiet since then.  The only HM email I got since the campaign was promoting some other Coffin Comics offering.  A few mentions on the HM Iggram or Fbook and Discord, but not much besides.  I'm ok with a lack of breathless previews and sneak peeks or other hype, but I hope there are a couple status updates to keep us hoping.  Even the Discord is pretty quiet of speculation, it's mostly people sharing their fantasy art, some pro some amateur, some ok some good.  (they run a "Drink and Draw" for arty types to get online and do art live while drinking etc, which seems popular).  With the occasional burst of conversation.  Which is cool.  

But mostly I hope that the time until April is filled with lots of planning and forethought, and execution, by the current owners and management, to ensure the mag actually happens, and they take that first big step towards making Heavy Metal Magazine real, again.  While they keep working to address the people that got screwed by the old bunch of clowns.  That's what I really hope is happening.  Maybe we can hear about progress every so often too.  Thanks

Friday, January 3, 2025

Den by RM Rhodes

RM Rhodes of fame, has written an article on Heavy Metal Magazine's website, about Richard Corben's Den.

Seeing that it's a rollickin' reminiscence on Den's dick in Heavy Metal Magazine, it's a fun read.  While I may not be quite so enthusiastic on the topic, and I might want more evidence for the assertion that Mr Corben was influenced by Tom of Finland before I really believed it, I do agree that the dick of Mr Corben's Den was a ... prominent ... feature of Heavy Metal's early days.  Den wasn't the only one lettin' it all hang out, but he was probably ... the biggest ....  

In fact, beyond the soaring fantasy and sci-fi and ridiculous violence and excitement in Heavy Metal, the presence of drawn dicks to go along with the bountiful bosoms and assertive asses, was really appealing to barely-an-adult me in 1977 when I first saw Heavy Metal Magazine.  I like sexy, and I also enjoyed the more open and peripheral nature of the nudity of the boys and girls in the mag, and how it wasn't always just about sex appeal.  Moebius, Drulliet, Caza, and others, often slipped in a dick or two in their work here and there, while busily serving up plenty of other nude bits besides.

But Corben was really good at it, and somehow we are still talking about it, almost fifty years later.  Thanks to RM Rhodes for the informative and amusing article, and congrats on getting your writing on Heavy Metal out there for the rest of us.