So what's New is, the Heavy Metal Kickstarter launched, wildly successfully, surpassing its initial $5000 goal by over 80x. More recently the Heavy Metal website shop opened again. I did sign up for the kickstarter. I may even order a trinket from the Heavy Metal website shop.
Very long ago I ordered some old magazine issues from Heavy Metal as I filled out my collection in the late 2000s, but I never wanted to subscribe or order much from them, since I didn't want to be on too many mailing lists. (how quaint. it's funny that it kind of worked, until I used my blog email to comment on an article on the website in 2016, and a few years later I started to get HM newsletter emails, twice each, that I otherwise didn't sign up for) And in more recent years I surely didn't order anything from them, with all the wailing I saw about unfulfilled orders.
Now I'm inclined to take the chance, a little bit anyway, to see if it will work. I'm just signing up for one copy with the Hildebrandt cover, not any of the dozens of variants and special metal cover this or that. I'll just see if my card really gets charged and I really get a magazine after it closes the end of December. I'm hoping it all goes well.
For the Old, I got a copy of Fantastic Films from November 1981, featuring the Heavy Metal movie:
As well as having the cover feature about the Heavy Metal Movie, there's a nice little HM related bonus about special effects on the movie Outland, for which there was also a feature adaptation in Heavy Metal Magazine by Jim Steranko, from mid-1981 through early 1982.
For the Heavy Metal feature, there's a nice fawning article, and an interview with John Bruno, who directed the Taarna sequence in the movie along with taking other tasks in the production:
Pretty cool going back the the days magazines being the sources of press releases and puff pieces in print media for movie promotion, with pages-long articles and two-tone photos for color movie stills.
And I'm trying to be optimistic for the actual return of Heavy Metal Magazine in print form.