Again with 144 pages and the $13.99 cover price, I got the cover A by Kai Carpenter from ebay in late August. With Vasator and Crunch battling some horned fleshlight-lizard monster, I'll give it a 6. My copy:
The two big shots spew some editorial, but I was sorry to not see R.G. Llarena listed on the masthead. He's been pretty consistently involved with Heavy Metal for years, as a contributor since 2007 at least, and an editor since issue #275, and I like his writing, and he actually commented on this blog a few times. I saw a FB referring to him as a former managing editor at HM. Best wishes for health and happiness to you, internet friend.
"Segments-Voluptida" by Richard Malka, Juan Giménez, JAME, Carol Burrell, and with Fabrice Sapolsky noted as Editor. - 7 - Fabrice Sapolsky is apparently filling the spot both here and on the masthead, where once R.G. Llarena's name once appeared. The fugitives somehow escape the sex planet and find the lone ancient Librarian to help them save humanity. This is a hefty 50 pages in two parts, and I like it, but I felt less engrossed by this installment than the last. It took several passes to relieve me of some of my confusion with the storytelling, but I still had a ways to go.
"The Rise - Part Four" by George C. Romero, Diego Yapur, DC Alonso, Saida Temofonte, Joseph Illidge - 6 - Last seen in issue #305, this fourth part shows the scientist struggling to move forward, persisting nonetheless through his pain. The art is cool, and the artist goes all out on wrinkles, and the story is moving along. The characters are caricatures, and I hope this story coalesces into something more solid soon.
"The Adventures of Adrienne James" by Matthew Medney, Bruce Edwards, Geraldo Borges, Felipe Sobreiro, Saida Temofonte, Morgan Rosenblum, R.G. Llarena. - 6 - The rebels try to make their escape, and sell their spoils, in colorful comic action. There's some creative panel arrangement, but I'm not getting pulled into the story.
"Swamp God - Chapter 5" by Ron Marz, Armitano, Werner Sanchez, ALW Studios'
Troy Peteri - 6 - And with Tim Seeley and Joseph Illidge getting their respective
Editor and Co-Editor credits. The Union and rebel soldiers forge a truce to hunt the Swamp God, before it hunts them. There's some emotion coming through the dialog, scripted though it may be, as the Swamp God watches, and the two Captains' hats seem to grow with every frame.
"Vasator and Crunch" by David Erwin, Riccardo Latina, Federico Pietrobon, David Sharpe, Morgan Rosenblum - 5 - More story, same writer, different artists again. It's just not clicking for me, I'm not relating. Why am I bored by the fantasy lust and bloodshed? How could Crunch just be learning about how their father died?
"Barracuda - (chapter two) by Keith Champagne, A. Christopher Smith, Rich Stahnke, Steve Dutro, Tim Seeley - 6 - So like the dirty cop is somehow transported to the future, and the immortal dude came to find him, and he's gonna kill 'em all. Wow man.
"Starward: Chapter Four" by Steve Orlando, Ivan Shavrin, Saida Temofonte - 6 - With Joseph Illidge credited as Editor. Seriously energetic art, with perhaps an all-time incongruous sound effect: "Schlorp". More story development is foreshadowed. Let's hope so.
"Dying Is Easy" by Joshua Sky, Gideon Kendall, Kevin LaCroix - 6 - A captive comedian must entertain their powerful master, or die. Creatively presented, slightly funny. Some interesting insights into personality and identity.
"Microscopic" by Keith Champagne, Raffaele Forte, Periyapillai, Taylor Esposito - 6 - With Tim Seeley getting an Edited By credit. Noted as "Part Two: The Field". While the dude engages in microscopic violence, the dudette decides to go in there after him. That's sure to turn out great.
This issue finishes with the second half of "Segments" with some strong but complicated efforts at storytelling and plot twists. It's noted as from 2012, and still "To Be Continued" so I hope we really get to see more and my confusion relents.