So, the guy that runs, identified as R.M. Rhodes, also has a twitter, and last week there was an entry linking to an article with the HM CEO spouting an opinion about, well, you can see it. And R.M Rhodes comments that HM website ran video streaming back in the mid 2000s. Honestly I don't remember that, I do remember references in the mag about their website being "The Hottest Channel on the Internet" and that the HM website was for a while, and I recall it as mostly Mr Eastman's playground, with sutff like a photo gallery of Julie Strain called "I Shot My Wife", fun with Simon Bisley like "Biz and Buzz", and links to Eyebrow Tuna (still out there). But that was around when I got back into HM after years of not paying attention, so I easily could have missed it.
Like I also missed another earlier cbr article,, describing how Hannah Means-Shannon resigned from HM, back in October. (another example of my myopically poor HM inquisitiveness; half the reason I have my little blog is to gather my links to cruise around the interwebs looking at HM stuff, but I end up not looking outside the sandbox I play in, so I miss a lot.)
(The FB posting of her description of her resignation and what led to it is here.)
But mostly I'm sad that Hannah Means-Shannon is no longer at HM, helping nurture the production of the flimsy pile of paper I so enjoy, with the interviews that have gotten better and better the more I read them. I wonder if the issue #296, with some great artist interviews, is the last we'll see of her in the mag. It's a shame that her work at HM will be done, especially for the reasons implied by the article, and the unsurprisingly shambolic management of the mag it implies.